corporate entertainment idea

Corporate entertainment idea – Visa Awards Night 2014

This week I was engaged to entertain at the Visa Awards Night at Waterview room at Gardens by the Bay. I only performed during the cocktail and photo taking session prior to the dinner for about 1.5 hours. Since the crowd was about 400 people I had to make sure to cover as many as possible. This doesn’t leave much time for each group. I tried to focus on groups of 6 or more and build a crowd during the performance. When a company is looking for a corporate entertainment idea for an event like this they usually require a performer that doesn’t need time to set up or that needs a lot of space. I believe that close up magic is one of the best options since you still have the interaction with the audience and it can be personalized for your company. The picture below was taken at the beginning of the event I think it was my first group.











